Welcome to the Unified Health & Performance Network

Evolving a unified model of health and performance.

Become Part of The UHP Network

Whether you're a physical therapist, strength coach, fitness trainer, or enthusiast, this platform will elevate your knowledge and skills via access to exclusive resources, a progressive curriculum, and to Bill, himself.  

Signing up gives you an exclusive opportunity for direct access to The Unified Health & Performance Continuum Model constructed by Bill Hartman. The UHPN is a network of innovation dedicated to advancing the principles and application of The Unified Health & Performance Model. 

Here, you’ll engage with a community of like-minded professionals from around the world to ask questions, share your insights, exchange best practices, and collaborate on implementing The Unified Model.  

Why Should You Join Us?

Member benefits of the UHP Network include:

  • Regularly Scheduled Content from Bill: These posts will include both long and short form posts. Bill will post articles, videos and case studies to show not only how the model is designed, but also how to apply the model in different health and performance contexts.  
  • Community Forums: Share your insights and discuss challenges in real-time with other members who are also studying the UHPC Model. This interaction fosters a collaborative environment and dynamically sparks fresh insights, contributing to individual and collective learning. 
  • FREE Courses: Participate in several free courses introducing Bill's model and the core principles upon which it is built.  These courses will include series of articles and videos that will provide an overview of what the UHPC model represents and how it can be utilized to create better health & performance outcomes.
  • Live Calls With Bill: Every week Bill meets with professionals and enthusiasts alike to discuss all things health and performance (Coffee & Coaches Calls). This network will be the only place you can find the invite links to those calls.  You will also have full access to all past calls as well as relevant clips from those calls.  
  • The UHPC Practitioner Curriculum: Here you will be able to enroll in course work from Bill that will prepare you for the certification process to become a part of the UHPC Practitioner Referral Network.  Primary, secondary and tertiary courses will all be offered to pave a path towards learning from Bill in person at an Intensive course. 
  • RECON Program Q&A and Discussion Forums:  Join the members of Bill's training program RECON as they reconstruct how they work out and relearn how to move well, based on their inherent body type.